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The 韦德体育app官网 (“OU”) 学生行为准则 (“SCC”) is designed to protect and foster the institution’s role and mission by providing students with an exemplary academic experience, encouraging social responsibility and civility within our campus community and protecting the well-being of the OU community. 请访问网站了解更多信息 学生行为准则.


CEU是全国公认的记录非学分学习的方法. CEUs are accepted by many employers and agencies as evidence of serious commitment to career advancement and the maintenance of professional competence. 10学时奖励1个CEU. 全勤是颁发CEU的最低要求.


Students who register for continuing education (CE) courses and/or programs are not considered part of an undergraduate or graduate degree program at 韦德体育app官网. 报名参加CE课程并不构成正式申请, 或者是入学, an undergraduate or graduate degree program and therefore does not qualify for participation in programs and/or services reserved for matriculated students in degree-granting programs, 包括但不限于, 韦德体育app官网支持经济援助或校内住房.

韦德体育app官网不允许学生在获得ceu后将其转换为学分. Students registering in noncredit sections should evaluate whether they wish to earn CEUs or academic credit prior to registration. 禁止从ceu追溯更改为学分,反之亦然.


PACE负责制定逾期注册政策,并代表行政长官单位实施该政策. 不鼓励延迟注册,但可以由PACE项目或课程主任要求.

用于延迟注册的表格被称为 更改申请表格 并且需要通过PACE手动添加课程. 这种形式, 在PACE主页的政策和程序按钮下找到, 是否可以在课程注册结束后或在接下来的5个工作日内立即使用. 该表格必须由要求增加的参与者签名并由项目主管签名.

发售首日后,逾期登记将不获接纳, 但可以通过联系主管批准例外情况.

用于延迟注册的表格被称为 更改申请表格 需要通过PACE手动添加课程. 该表格必须由要求增加的参与者签名并由项目主管签名.


Student participants may self-withdraw through the online registration system and receive a refund according to the refund policy noted below. 学生不得自行退选课程.

在课程注册开始日期后退出,必须使用 PACE注册变更申请表 在主页的政策和程序按钮下找到.

Credit card refunds are typically processed in 10 business days and will be applied to the card used for the original transaction.

Students who do not drop their course by the end of the first week of class are responsible for payment of all tuition and other charges, 还有任何分期付款的费用, 滞纳金, and all costs and attorney's fees incurred by the University to collect or attempt to collect unpaid tuition and/or other charges. 大学将首先将收到的所有款项用于最老的未偿余额, 如果适用的话, 然后到本学期收费.

有资格获得100%退款的课程,无论是亲自见面, 在线或远程学习 一周以上 学生可按下列方式在网上自行退课:

  • 在课程开始日期之前的任何时间
  • 课程开始日期后最多7天
  • 在此之后,学费、书费或材料将不予退还

有资格获得100%的短期课程退款, 研讨会, 营地, 面对面的会议, 在线或远程学习 一周或更短时间, 学生可按下列方式在网上自行退课:

  • 在课程开始日期之前的任何时间
  • 在此之后,学费、书费或材料将不予退还
  • 符合资格的SCECH和专业ceu是不退款的



  • 如果在注册后的第一个7天内要求退学 不访问课程内容.
  • 自注册之日起超过7天, 参加者没有资格获得退款.

参赛者必须填写并提交 PACE注册变更请求 链接在这里的表格可以退课.

学生可以使用“ 申请例外表格. 这是在家庭成员死亡的罕见情况下使用的, 失业, 或者患有严重的疾病,需要缺课.


A PACE student who wishes to receive an Incomplete (I) grade in a course 必须首先 discuss with their instructor before requesting a form for submission. 不完全(I)等级是作为学生无法控制的情况下的临时措施. 学生、课程指导老师和项目主任(如果适用)必须在所要求的表格上签名. 工作必须在课程结束后六个月内完成. 如果工作在此日期后仍未完成,则0.本课程将获0分.

The student must initiate the request for an incomplete grade before the end of the academic term by requesting an Incomplete Grade Form from their course instructor or Program Director (如果适用的话)


  • 到目前为止,这个学生的工作还过得去;
  • 学生已完成至少70%的总课程要求;
  • An illness or other extenuating circumstance (such as death of immediate family member) legitimately prevents completion of required work by the due date;
  • Required work may reasonably be completed in an agreed-upon time frame (up to 6 months after the end date of the course) and does not require the student to re-take any portion of the course;
  • 不完整的成绩不能代替不及格的成绩;
  • The incomplete is not based solely on a student's failure to complete work or as a means of raising his or her grade by doing additional work after the grade report time;
  • 学生不允许“重修”或在接下来的学期中参加课程,作为未完成的情况. 如果学生在获得“I”级成绩时符合课程要求, 然后只需要完成课程内容的剩余部分.
  • 老师和学生讨论“不完整”的术语

Students may encounter problem situations during their course of study at 韦德体育app官网 that may require review by appropriate administrative or academic personnel. 这是对大学解决问题的描述. The procedure provides a fact-finding system for resolving problems between students and faculty or staff members when a review of the issue is not available through other established university procedures.在某些情况下(例如.g. 歧视和骚扰),大学有具体的程序,必须遵守.

每一个学生, 教员, administrator and staff member has an obligation to resolve problems fairly through discussion between the aggrieved student(s)and the specific university person immediately involved with the problem.

每个学术部门都有自己的内部程序来解决对课堂情况的投诉. 有关申诉程序副本可向有关院系或学校索取. The student 必须首先 contact the department or school and follow the respective grievance procedure within that department. 这取决于部门, 这把椅子, 董事或指定人员可以听取案件的事实或将其提交内部委员会. 如果此步骤未解决问题, 学生可以联系学院或学校的院长继续解决问题.处理涉及成绩争议及课堂程序但不涉及歧视的个案, 骚扰或非法行为, 这个过程在院长/主管级别停止.
如果问题与学术无关,学生 必须首先 contact the program director or coordinator and follow the respective grievance procedure within that program or be referred to the responsible unit. 如果此步骤未解决问题, 学生可以联系专业和继续教育主任寻求最终解决方案. 对于非学术性的投诉,上诉只止于专业和继续教育主任.

  1. 学生/参与者必须将投诉的详细描述以及相应的文件发送至 (电子邮件保护).
  2. PACE Director will contact the complainant with a resolution or to formalize a meeting as part of the complaint exploration process.

查看 OUPD网站 关于紧急情况和警报. 报名参加 接收紧急警报 韦德体育app官网.

视图 一般闭包信息 来自俄亥俄州立大学警察局. 请与您的项目主管联系,以确认在校外和校园外的其他地点关闭. 此外,您还可以查看完整的 大学关闭政策.

韦德体育app官网 Continuing 教育 (PACE) students and faculty are entitled to a complimentary guest card through the OU library. 阅读更多关于客人卡片的信息.

PACE的参与者有资格通过 娱乐中心 继续享受学生折扣. 费率:30美元/月或100美元4个月的娱乐中心访问. 会员可以在娱乐中心的前台购买.

请电子邮件 (电子邮件保护) 索取成绩单. Continuing education transcripts typically take up to 10 business days to process and may take longer based on your last date of attendance/graduation date. 

韦德体育app官网欢迎密歇根大学和其他失业工人. 我们理解你们所面临的困难, 这就是为什么我们提供各种资源,重点是:


  1. 在密歇根工程公司注册:上网到 密歇根工作 开始注册过程.
  2. 探索的机会查看本网站列出的学术、学生服务和经济援助资源.
  3. 得到帮助充分利用免费或低价 个人 和职业咨询(通过 成人职业咨询中心)就在校园里提供.
  4. 与顾问会面: 联系你想攻读的课程的学术顾问(本科或研究生). 顾问可以帮助你完成有关项目计划和财务费用的文件.

Student meets with a representative of the OU Office of 残疾支援服务 (DSS) and provides the following documentation of a disability request for accommodations. 必须在文件中确定对残疾的明确诊断. 有关每种残疾所需文件的详细信息可在 DSS的网站.

注:如果学生没有文件,需要测试, 测试过程至少需要六到八周才能完成.

上课前没有与辅导员见面的学生应与辅导员见面, 还有他们的文档, 尽快, 理想情况下,至少六周后才需要服务. 学生有责任在DSS注册并要求住宿!

DSS工作人员将审查学生的支持文件,以确定住宿的充分性和资格. 如果需要额外的测试, 在文件完成后,可以给予临时住宿.


教职员将填写并签署学院通知书. The student will be asked to sign the letter indicating agreement with suggested accommodations and understanding of his or her responsibility. It is the student’s responsibility to a provide copy of the notification letter to the PACE Director who in turn will share with the Program Director.

在每个PACE新学期开始之前, 学生必须获得一个新的, updated 教师 Notification Letter from DSS and give a copy of this letter to the PACE Director who will in turn provide it to the Program Director. The 教师 Notification Letter will not be part of the academic record of the student and will be shared only on a need-to-know basis.

PACE主任 will review the letter to determine appropriateness of all requests based on and discuss concerns with the student, 项目主管和决策支持部门.

PACE主任, 与项目主任和PACE教师合作, 会协调提供住宿吗.